Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Post Production Begins

     I officially finished filming! I'm really pleased to have this part over with. The piece of footage I needed to shoot was at a specific park that usually has a lot of people, but due to it being spring break it hasn't been busy. Luckily, when I checked yesterday there were a decent amount of people, perfect for the shots I wanted.
     Since I have that done I can move on to editing where the project begins to form. These past few weeks I've been messaging different record labels to ask for permission to use certain songs, but its been a more difficult process than I intended. In the end I'm only waiting for one more to accept.
     The music in my opening is an important element. I'm going to be grabbing bits from two songs and put them together. On one of the songs, its very mellow/indie track, that will be used to convey the dream world. While the other one just has several quick beats and other irritating sounds that I want to incorporate to show how the main character actually feels going through this confusion.
     What I usually tend to do when editing previous projects is leaving some clips on for a bit too long so I have to be careful with this and be more aware. I think what helps is that due to the small amount of time we are given for the opening, I'm bound to have to make these faster edits.

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