Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Day one of shooting

      Today I started filming. I am really glad I'm able to film around this environment as it goes along with this representation of a washed-up reality. For my main character I have my 10 year old sister to hold that role. Before filming I assured she was wearing dark colored clothing in order to convey the character sad state. I also added dark eyeshadow and liner under her eyes to accentuate the bags (tired eyes), show her exhaustion. I even made sure to over shoot because these are the only days ill have access to this background and allows me to have more to work with when editing. Since here in Colorado, winter is coming to an end, all the snow is melting. The location is very isolated so you cant seem to hear any sounds, but dripping of melted snow coming down from the roof. What I did was I left my camera sit in one place recording this sound for at most four minutes to have it just in case. I feel like I was able to get a lot done today and I still have these remainder days to film anything else I need.

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